Warning: Declaration of Bootstrap_Walker_Nav_Menu::start_lvl(&$output, $depth) should be compatible with Walker_Nav_Menu::start_lvl(&$output, $depth = 0, $args = NULL) in /000_wordpress_GF/wp-content/themes/grandfront/functions.php on line 63
» Kontakt GrandFront 2017


Irmina Dzyr-Rainka
senior account manager
e-mail: i.dzyr-rainka@primum.pl 

Irena Stankiewicz
e-mail: i.stankiewicz@primum.pl

PRIMUM Public Relations
Widok 8
00-023 Warszawa
tel. 22 690 67 49

Izba Wydawców Prasy
ul. Foksal 3/5
00-366 Warszawa
tel.: 22 828 59 30-33
fax: 22 827 87 18
e-mail: sekretariat@iwp.pl